Sinus lift
30 minute consultation
Enjoy the benefits of natural dental implants even if you have missing or failing jaw bones.
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Making the impossible possible again
A sinus lift procedure is done on the maxilla (upper jaw) when there is insufficient bone below the nasal sinus to place implants in the premolar or molar regions. This may be caused by several reasons including periodontal disease, tooth loss and ageing.

What is a sinus lift?
A sinus lift is a procedure that adds bone between one’s jaw and the maxillary sinuses on either side of the nose.
The procedure is relatively straightforward and can be carried out under local anaesthesia.
What is involved during a sinus lift?
Our dental specialists/ dentists will find out the details of your medical and dental history, go through a consultation and examination, and take an x-ray and a CT scan of your teeth and jaws, to ascertain if you require a sinus lift treatment.
A sinus lift procedure is a minor surgery that can be carried out under local anaesthesia and the procedure will be performed in an outpatient setting.
After the sinus membrane is lifted up, bone graft material together with some of your own bone (depending on availability) is inserted to create the extra height of bone for dental implant placement. The procedure lasts between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the extent of bone grafting needed.
Depending on the amount of bone originally available, implant(s) may be anchored immediately. Thereafter, a healing period of 5 months will be required while the bone graft matures and integrates with the implant.
For more information on dental implants, please refer to the dental implant page
Sinus lift treatment fees
Wondering if Medisave can be used for this procedure?
If you are a Singaporean or a permanent resident of Singapore, Medisave may be utilised to cover part of the surgery fees, from $950 onwards. The amount ranges based on the complexity of the surgery and the final amount covered will be decided by the CPF Board.
For more details on Medisave coverage, please visit our Medisave Page.
Other Fees
Sinus Lift can be carried out under local anaesthesia. However, you may choose to do the procedure under sedation or general anaesthesia.
For sedation; there will be an additional fee for an Anaesthesiologist to administer the sedation, which is about SGD$900 – SGD$1,000 per hour.
For general anaesthesia, besides the fees for an Anaesthesiologist, operating theatre costs and admissions cost into the hospital may be incurred.
Meet our dental specialists in Singapore
Our fully trained team is dedicated to keeping timely and painless care of your teeth.
Frequently asked questions
Who needs a sinus lift treatment?
Individuals who has insufficient bone mass in their upper jaw and is considering to getting dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth may require sinus lift (sinus augmentation) procedure. With the procedure, the success of implants increases significantly.
Will I have problems with my sinus after the procedure?
After surgery, patients may temporarily experience a stuffy nose. The procedure will not affect your condition of sinuses, voice, allergies or breathing. It may even improve the breathing capacity.