Reduction of square jaw
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Re-create your face shape
While lower square jaws are often considered a positive trait in men, a wide lower jaw in women can distort the natural appearance of the angle between the chin and the neck, and cause significant facial discordance and/or masculinization of the female face. Even in certain men, the size of the lower jaw can cause facial disharmony—particularly when there is asymmetry. This square jaw appearance is further accentuated in Asians because of their smaller facial structures.
Square jaw reduction can create an almond-shaped face shape for ladies and a youthful sleek look for men.

What is square jaw reduction?
Square jaw reduction can narrow one’s lower one-third of the face, particularly if it is caused by the mandible (lower jaw bone) and the surrounding muscles, in particular the masseter muscles.
What is involved in square jaw reduction treatment?
Our dental specialist/ dentist will find out the details of your medical and dental history, go through a consultation and examination, and take digital X-rays of your teeth to enable a thorough and detailed diagnosis. Part of your examination includes checking the joints and muscles for tenderness, clicking, popping or difficulty in opening/ closing. We may also make a replica model of your teeth to see how your bite fits together.
Our dental specialist/ dentist will analyse your facial features and recommend the most appropriate solution for an optimal outcome.
Surgical method
Surgical techniques are employed to directly reduce the size of an enlarged mandible (lower jaw). Small incisions are made usually inside of the mouth, and instrumentations are used to remove the outer layer of the enlarged mandible, narrowing the jaw. Internal incisions are performed because they do not leave any visible scars.
Non-surgical method
We use natural, purified protein injections.First, the area may be numbed with a cold pack or anaesthetic cream prior to injecting. Next, it is injected into the enlarged lower jaw muscles (masseter muscles), weakening it so that the muscle mass slowly decreases over several months. Dosage is adjusted upon an assessment of your facial muscles. Some individuals require more while others may require lesser to obtain an optimal result.
For individuals who undergo the surgical reduction of square jaw, home rest of 2 to 3 days is recommended after surgery. It takes around 1 to 2 weeks after surgery for the swelling/ bruising to subside. Strenuous exercise for about 1 month after surgery should also be avoided.
Reduction of square jaw by injections is a simple 10-minute procedure. Recovery time is minimal and most people return to normal activities immediately after treatment. After injection, it takes about 3 days for the injections to begin taking affect and around 7 days to see full results.
Square jaw reduction fees
Wondering if Medisave can be used for this procedure?
Medisave may be used for surgical treatment of square jaw.
For more details on Medisave coverage, please visit our Medisave Page.
Other fees
For general anaesthesia, besides the fees for an Anaesthesiologist, operating theatre costs and admissions cost into the hospital may be incurred.
The information provided above is of a general nature only as you would need to be examined by our dental specialists/ dentists in order to confirm the best treatment option for you.
For sedation; there will be an additional fee for an Anaesthesiologist to administer the sedation, which is about SGD$900 – SGD$1,000 per hour.
Meet our oral & maxillofacial surgeon, Dr Ho Kok Sen
Dr Ho is a mentor, lecturer and examiner to students in the Graduate Diploma in Dental Implantology course at the National University of Singapore. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Academy of Medicine Singapore. Dr Ho has a special interest in dental implants, jaw surgery, bone grafting and complex extractions.

Frequently asked questions
What are the types of square jaw reduction?
There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments. Our specialists/ dental surgeons will recommend and customise the most appropriate procedure for you, based on your dental condition and your needs.
What can I expect from surgical treatment?
The surgical reduction of square jaw may be carried out as a day surgical procedure under general anaesthesia.
Alternatively, one may choose to be admitted as an inpatient for the procedure. Hospital stay will be for 2 days and 1 night
How is square jaw reduction treated non-surgically?
To weaken the enlarged lower jaw muscles, protein injections can be used.
The sensation is akin to an ant bite, and there may be slight temporary bruising at the injection site for some. This can be easily covered up with make-up.
There is minimal down-time and improvement is gradual. The use of injections for jaw reduction has been studied scientifically. Improvement is generally seen 2 to 3 weeks after treatment. Peak improvement occurs at 3 to 9 months with good results still observable at 1 year in many patients.