We care about your personal data

Your privacy is very important to us, and all information collected will be handled responsibly. All staff who come in contact with your personal information are aware of the sensitive nature of the information that you have disclosed to us. They are trained in the appropriate use and protection of your information. Only necessary/ relevant information relating to your dental treatment will be collected.
Specialist Dental Group® may collect, use and/or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:
Assessing your health concerns.
Advising you of treatment options and providing the necessary care to you.
Establishing and maintaining contact with you via post, email, sms and/or phone calls to
- Remind you of upcoming appointments
- Allow us to effectively follow-up for treatment and care
- Complete claims for insurance purposes
- Liaise with insurance providers with respect to your dental treatment
- Liaise with medical agents who are providing interpretation, appointment coordination services and other assistance provided in your dental treatment
- Invoice for services rendered and to process payment
- Collect unpaid accounts
To communicate with other treating health care providers to coordinate your dental and medical care.
Any other purposes deem relevant and necessary to your dental treatment with us.
Specialist Dental Group® may also, from time to time, send you information relating to general dental awareness, news on upcoming events, or special offers. You can choose to be removed from receiving further communications from us of this nature at any time by sending an “unsubscribe” request to us.
If you have any queries with regard to the collection, usage and disclosure of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at:
Email: info@specialistdentalgroup.com
Contact No.: +65 6733 7883