Gum grafting
Book a 45 minute consultation for a comprehensive assessment of your gum health.
Or call: +65 6734 9393

Keep your gums at the pink of health
Gums are the protective, pink tissue that covers the bony structure of our jaws and parts of the roots of our teeth. Healthy gums are thick and have a firm consistency. Thin and infected gums will compromise the structural integrity of the gums, and when the gum line recedes, individuals may experience sensitivity to cold temperatures.

What are gum grafts?
Gum grafting is a procedure that enables a new piece of gum tissue to be placed over the exposed root to restore gum tissue.
What is involved in gum grafting? [Tab style]
Our dental specialists/ dentists will find out the details of your medical and dental history, go through a consultation and examination, and take an x-ray of your teeth and jaws, to ascertain if you are suitable for gum grafting treatment. Thereafter our dentists will discuss with you to recommend the most appropriate solution for your needs.
Gum grafting is like doing plastic surgery in the mouth. The palate (roof of the mouth) offers good quality tissue that can be used as a graft and transplanted onto the recipient area. The gums around the recipient site (the exposed root) are gently lifted away and the graft material is secured in place with fine sutures approximately the size of a hair.
The procedure takes about an hour for a small area and a proportionately longer time for larger areas.
For the first three days, minimal pain, bleeding or swelling is usually experienced. Antibiotics, painkillers and antiseptic mouthwashes will be prescribed to help the healing process.
After the anaesthetic wears off, you may start eating a soft diet on the un-operated side. Very hot foods and drinks should be avoided to minimize post-operative bleeding. Drinks should also be taken directly from the cup – do not use a straw.
Avoid vigorous exercise or stimulants (e.g. caffeine) for the rest of the day and ensure that you have sufficient rest to aid recovery.
One day after surgery, rinse your mouth gently with antiseptic mouthwash or with warm salt water after meals and before going to bed.
You will be required to visit your dental specialist/ dentist in the first two weeks for review after surgery. Your stitches will also be removed.
Thereafter, regular reviews are maintained for the first three months so that our dental specialist/ dentist can monitor your healing and help maintain an optimally clean environment around the grafted site.
Gum grafting fees
Wondering if Medisave can be used for this procedure?
Wondering if Medisave can be used for this procedure?
Yes you can, if you are a Singaporean or a permanent resident of Singapore, Medisave may be utilised for the gum grafting procedure.
For more details on Medisave coverage, please visit our Medisave Page.
Other Fees
Gum graft can be carried out with local anaesthesia. However, there are also options to complete the treatment under sedation or general anaesthesia. This means that the procedures will be done while you sleep.
For sedation; there will be an additional fee for an Anaesthesiologist to administer the sedation, which is about SGD$800 – SGD$1,0000 per hour.
For general anaesthesia, besides the fees for an Anaesthesiologist, operating theatre costs and admissions cost into the hospital may be incurred
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