In the second edition of our four-part blog series, we would be featuring the second topic that would be shared during “Beyond Dentistry: More Than Teeth”, a seminar on better dental and overall health.
Dr Daylene Leong, Periodontist, would be speaking on gum disease – the painless enemy.
Q: What is a Periodontist?
A: Periodontists are the recognized experts in the areas of preventing, diagnosing, and treating gum (periodontal) disease and oral inflammation such as ulcers. They are fully trained in these areas as they undergo three years of specialised education after dental school. Periodontists often treat complicated periodontal cases, such as advanced gum disease or those with a complex medical history, through a wide range of treatments.
Q: Why should I be worried about having gum disease?
A: Gum disease is a silent, chronic, bacteria-induced, inflammatory disease that attacks the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. When it is not treated, gum disease can cause pain while eating, bleeding gums and eventually tooth loss.
In addition to the dental consequences of gum diseases, there are also medical consequences. When one has gum disease, the bacteria which causes the inflammation of the gums enters his/her bloodstream and travels to other important parts of his/her body, contributing to serious medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia, diabetes, and low birth weight.
Q: What would I learn if I attend the talk?
A: You would gain insights on the practical impacts of having gum disease, learn how to detect the signs and symptoms as well as gain an in-depth understanding of how gum disease wreaks havoc in your body.
Read the first-part of the series, featuring A/Prof Ansgar Cheng, Prosthodontist, and Dr Daniel Wai, Endocrinologist, on how dental specialists and medical specialists work together to co-manage dental and medical issues here.
Get updated about your dental health at the fourth edition of our biennial public dental seminar on 15 August 2015, Saturday, from 1 to 5pm. Click here for more information.