Dental implants have long been a predictable option to replace full or partially missing teeth.
Typically, when a fully (or almost) edentulous (no teeth at all) patient comes in for a consultation, our team of dental specialists will examine and assess whether replacing the missing teeth with dental implants is the best treatment option.
Patients opting for a dental implant procedure will need sufficient bone in their jaw so that the bone foundation is strong enough to hold and support the implant.
If the patient does not have enough bone, a procedure called bone grafting or bone augmentation will be required before the placement of dental implants can proceed. The waiting time for healing typically ranges from 3 to 6 months.
The dental implants team at Specialist Dental Group is always constantly striving to improve our patient experience with minimal downtime and utmost benefits. With this vision, we would like to introduce the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure, which is one of the latest streamlined dental implant procedures.
What is ‘All-on-4’ Dental Implant Procedure?
The All-on-4 Dental Implant procedure means four implants in edentulous jaws, providing a secure and optimal support for an implant bridge (even with minimum bone volume).
As seen from the illustration below, the first and fourth implants are tilted at a certain angle to maximize the use of available bone. This unique placement of the implants is the key reason on why patients with insufficient bone volume may still proceed with dental implant treatment without going through the downtime of a bone grafting procedure.
The All-on-4 Procedure is an efficient treatment for those who are missing all their teeth on either jaw, or patients who are at risk for losing all their teeth. This dental implant procedure allows immediate loading after the surgery and enables the patient to have teeth almost immediately.
The benefit of the angled implant reduces the need for bone grafting by maximizing the use of available bone. This unique design also attributes to support immediate loading. Most importantly, it reduces the downtime for patients and the overall treatment fee.
The All-on-4 Procedure is a simple surgical and prosthetic procedure which results in equally high aesthetics and function for the patients.
The illustration above shows 4 implants in the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) which enables well-spread out dental implants that give optimal prosthesis support.
This is a flexible solution for patients with missing teeth and they can enjoy having their missing teeth fully replaced with only four dental implants for each jaw. Its immediate loading ability also makes treatment flow more efficient for shorter treatment times and improved patient satisfaction.
The All-on-4 treatment option offers a practical solution for those faced with the limitations of using dentures. Some of the drawbacks for denture use include discomfort, inconvenience, instability, chewing difficulties, anxiety about the dentures falling out at inappropriate times, and the inability to properly taste and enjoy food.
The key benefits of the All-on-4 Procedure are as follows:
- Minimally invasive surgery – this procedure allows patients with minimum bone volume to opt for dental implant procedure without going through bone grafting procedure
- Shortened treatment time – it is possible to go from tooth loss to having functional and esthetic teeth in one treatment session
- Greater patient comfort – The surgery is generally patient friendly with minimized surgical trauma. Patients can have teeth immediately and resume their normal activities.
In summary, All-on-4 Procedure provides a clinical solution that maximizes the use of available bone while giving comprehensive and highly aesthetic prosthetics for the patient as a result.
Best of all, this procedure comes with good clinical outcomes. Patients get to choose between a fixed denture (one with the highest durability and chewing function, but cannot be removed) or a removable denture (can be removed for easy cleaning).
At Specialist Dental Group, we have a team of all-on-4 dental specialists is internationally qualified and highly experienced in restoring teeth. They are also specialists who are regularly invited to share their expertise with fellow colleagues at multiple dental restoration-related events and hands-on workshops.
Interested to know more about all-on-4 dental implants? Discuss your treatment options with our dental implant specialists today. You may make an online appointment booking for a consultation or call (65) 6733 7883. |