Updated as of 20 April 2020, 1700hrs. (SDG Dispatch 007.1)
Here is Issue 7.1 of our special SDG Dispatch communication regarding the current virus situation. We feel a need to revise the previous SDG Dispatch as the cases are developing faster than we expected in the last day.
Singapore saw a dramatic rise in the number of new COVID-19 cases in the last few days. The vast majority of cases were foreign workers residing in dormitories. The number of cases are expected to rise as more foreign workers are going to be actively tested in the next few days, even if they have no symptoms but are contacts of confirmed cases.
On the other hand, the number of locally transmitted cases shows signs of easing. Based on the statistics below, the current probability of getting infected with the virus is 14 out of 10,000 people. As long as the entire population continue to strictly adhere to the circuit breaker measures implemented, this probability will not increase and we will eventually reach the goal of having zero new cases.
Now that the government has made it mandatory for all to wear a mask if there is really a need to leave the house, remember to put on your mask and continue to wash your hands.

*Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates on Worldometers.info
The good news is that we are seeing cases of patients who were in critical state and subsequently recovering from the virus (e.g. a Bangladeshi worker moved out of ICU after 2 months; a 71 year-old grandfather discharged after being hospitalised for more than 2 months). We are hopeful for more patients to recover and we thank our healthcare workers for working round the clock to make this possible.