According to a recent news article found in The Straits Times, it is found that Singapore has toppled Japan to become the country where its people have the longest life expectancy in 2017.
Singaporeans have an expected lifespan at birth of 84.8 years, and the average Singaporean also enjoys the longest span of living in good health – 74.2 years. This means that Singaporeans born in 2017 can expect to live for 84.8 years, but 10.6 of those years would be spent in poor health.
With life expectancy increasing in most parts of the world, we are sure that people do not just want to live longer, but they want to live better in those years too.
While oral health may not come to mind for many when they think about getting healthier and living longer, the reality is that oral health plays a significant role in good overall health. By keeping our teeth and gums healthy, we are reducing the risk of many health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, alzheimer’s disease and so on. (We will be speaking more about this during our upcoming Channel NewsAsia Public Dental Seminar in August 2019, do follow our Facebook page for timely updates.)
Research has also found that one’s life expectancy is linked to the number of teeth you keep as you get older and that tooth loss is a predictor of shortened longevity. Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat and speak well, reducing your quality of life. Facial changes associated with missing teeth also leads to self-consciousness and a reduction in confidence.
Therefore, it is important to keep your mouth “young”. A simple way to take control of your oral health is by practicing the rule of 2-2-2 – brush your teeth two times a day, for at least two minutes each and visit your dental professional two times a year for professional cleaning.
If you’ve been skipping on any of these, it is time to begin again. Let’s all not only work towards living longer, let’s work towards living better too.
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