12 January 2017 is one of the days that Dr Ansgar Cheng put aside his dental gown and put on his running shoes for the day. It is St Louis School’s Sports Day – Dr Cheng’s high school – and the alumni is invited to come back to run as a token of homecoming.

A big group of “old” boys turned up and Dr Cheng participated in his signature run: 5000m. Signature because 5000m is the distance that Dr Cheng has been competing in regularly for various athletic events, with the recent ones being the Asia Masters Athletics Championship and World Masters Athletics Championship.

He ran 0.28% below his personal best of 17:39.30 – which was achieved during the Perth 2016 World Masters Athletics Championship which took place in October.

Dr Cheng has been attending the St Louis Sports Day for the alumni without fail since 2012. This is an event that Dr Cheng would always set aside time for as the high school holds a special place in his heart – it is not only where he started his journey as a runner, but also the start of his learning which gave him a solid foundation to pursue dentistry in Hong Kong University. 🙂

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