On 1 June 2016, we welcome Dr Irene Sim, Dental Surgeon with Postgraduate Training in Endodontics, into the Specialist Dental Group family. With the addition of Dr Sim, we have a team of 12 dental specialists/ dentists, covering five specialties, to serve our patients in an even more holistic manner.
Having completed her postgraduate training in Endodontics and undergone eight years of service at Singapore’s National Dental Centre (managing patients who require endodontic treatment), Dr Sim is well-versed in carrying out root canal treatments, treating cracked teeth and conducting endodontic surgery. We are confident that with Dr Sim, patients with endodontic concerns are able to have their dental needs solved in an even timelier manner.
In addition to treating patients with dental needs, she is also caring for her two sons (aged 3.5 and 1). Although patients and family pretty much take up most of her time, in her few (and very precious) free time, she enjoys cycling and playing various musical instruments.
Here is an interview of Dr Sim for you to get to know her better.
Q: Why did you choose to be trained in Endodontics rather than other specialty areas?
A: Galelio Galilei once exclaimed “Passion is the Genesis of Genius”. With passion, one gives the best in whatever one does! Thus, Endodontics is a natural choice for me since I have always felt exhilarated (from the very first endodontic lab session) whenever I manage to negotiate a calcified canal or salvage a tooth which otherwise would have ended up being extracted. Furthermore, I feel that my meticulous personality fits in very nicely with endodontics, which is a specialty that requires much attention to detail whereby every single millimeter matter!
Q: What are the types of cases that you have treated before?
A: Non-surgical Root canal treatment and retreatment as well as treatment of cracked teeth, traumatized teeth, non-vital bleaching, vital pulp therapy (pulp preservation), revascularization,
root tip closure procedures (apexification and apexogenesis), surgeries such as apicoectomy (root end surgery), root amputation, tooth transplantation (intentional replantation) and managing orofacial pain.
Q: Share something that is not widely known about root canal treatments.
A: Contrary to belief, root canal treatment relieves pain, not cause it, and saves teeth that would otherwise have to be extracted.
In the past, technology was not as advanced and many teeth still ended up with persistent infection despite having undergone root canal treatment.
Modern endodontics includes the use of microscopes, cone beam computed tomography, ultrasonics and microsurgery. These allow root canal treatment to be carried out more efficiently and thoroughly, leading to remarkable improvement in the outcome of root canal treatment. Symptomatic teeth that had been previously treated can now undergo non-surgical or surgical retreatment and be salvaged instead of being extracted.
Q: What is your day to day schedule like?
A: I juggle 2 jobs! Mornings are spent working at the clinic. I spend the rest of the day working too … as a mom at home!
Q: How do you balance your time as a working mother?
A: To be honest, with a lot of help! It takes a village to raise a kid nowadays. My parents/in laws help babysit when I am at work. It also helps to have a hands-on husband who takes on an active role in caring for my boys. In addition, I am grateful to Specialist Dental Group too for making special arrangements to allow me to juggle both work and family commitments.

Q: If you didn’t become a dentist, what do you foresee yourself doing?
A: A piano teacher! I love music and children. What better way to have my cake and eat it?
In fact, I used to teach piano at a music school when I was in University.
Q: What is your favourite dental quote?
A: Nothing beats retaining the natural dentition!
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